It is dark that covers up the whole sky in the evening. The wind is blowing pleasantly. The people are returning to their homes from their offices and workstations. A man walks into the mart to buy a hammer, duct tape, and a rope…!. He is wearing black trousers with a NY sign hoodie on it. He takes his things and go towards the counter…

He pays the bill, Then he turned towards the exit door after coming out of the store…

Beep. Beep, Beep, Beep …(some vehicle horn sound)

A car stopped right next to him. 

“Hello, Sir! You need someone to drop you to your destiny?”, A man on the driving seat asked him while popping his head outside of the window.

“Hey! But I am on my way.”, The man said,

“Come on sir, I really want to help you in reaching your destiny”, The man in the car insisted in a very creepy way.

‘But I don’t know you? How can I take your help?”, The man replied in a trembling voice

“I guess I should sit in this car because it is very hot outside today”, The man thoughts.

“Ok I am agree to sit”, The ma replied while sitting inside the car.

THE CRAZY DRIVER     It is dark that covers up the whole sky in the evening. The wind is blowing pleasantly. The people are returning to their homes from their offices and workstations. A man walks into the mart to buy a hammer, duct tape, and a rope…!. He is wearing black trousers with a NY sign hoodie on it. He takes his things and go towards the counter…  He pays the bill, Then he turned towards the exit door after coming out of the store…  Beep. Beep, Beep, Beep …(some vehicle horn sound)  A car stopped right next to him.  “Hello, Sir! You need someone to drop you to your destiny?”, A man on the driving seat asked him while popping his head outside of the window.  “Hey! But I am on my way.”, The man said,  “Come on sir, I really want to help you in reaching your destiny”, The man in the car insisted in a very creepy way.  ‘But I don’t know you? How can I take your help?”, The man replied in a trembling voice  “I guess I should sit in this car because it is very hot outside today”, The man thoughts.  “Ok I am agree to sit”, The ma replied while sitting inside the car.

“Thank you so much for that because, It is really hot outside”, The man replied,

“Thank you for giving me the chance to help you”, The driver of the car said weirdly then he starts running the car very fast,

“What are you doing MAN? Please drive slowly….”, The man on the passengers seat said in a trembling voice,

But the driver is ignoring the man and driving the car very fast ,

“Thank you so much for that because, It is really hot outside”, The man replied,  “Thank you for giving me the chance to help you”, The driver of the car said weirdly then he starts running the car very fast,  “What are you doing MAN? Please drive slowly….”, The man on the passengers seat said in a trembling voice,  But the driver is ignoring the man and driving the car very fast ,

“Are you kidding me? What is this behavior? Why are you doing this to me?”, The man said in fear,

Then the driver stopped In front of some restaurant….

“You have reached your destiny. You can go inside the restaurant”, The driver replied in a mysterious way.

The man took off the car and goes inside. Inside the restaurant, his whole family standing and wishing him……

“Happy Birthday To You……”,


The End