7 Tips for Freelance Writers to Land Jobs on LinkedIn

Freelance Writing on Linkedin

7 Tips for Freelance Writers to Land Jobs on LinkedIn

Are you a writer who wants to find work online? LinkedIn can help! It's a social media site that's great for finding freelance jobs.

Many writers don't use LinkedIn enough, but I can teach you how to get started! First, make sure your profile shows off your writing skills. Post some of your work and talk about your experience.

Then, use the search bar to find writing jobs or related jobs. When you find one you like, send a message to the person who posted it. It's that easy!

So don't be frustrated anymore. Use LinkedIn to find freelance writing jobs and make money with your skills!

The Advantages of Using LinkedIn to Find Freelance Jobs

LinkedIn is a cool website for finding work. Unlike other social media sites, it's all about business. People don't post silly photos or videos. They want to improve their careers.

That's why LinkedIn is better than other sites. Even though fewer people use it, they are more serious about their work. It's a good place to find freelance jobs and make money.

If you want to find jobs on LinkedIn, here's how to do it:

  • Make a profile that shows off your writing skills and experience.
  • Look for jobs that match your skills.
  • Craft a message and send it to the person who posted the job.

It's easy! To find out more, you can become a member of the Freelance Writers Den. There are lots of training there to help you find work on LinkedIn.

7 Tips for Landing Freelance Writing Jobs on LinkedIn

1. Use Relevant Keywords in Linkedin Profile

Freelance Writers to Land Jobs on LinkedIn

To get freelance jobs on LinkedIn, you need to fill out your profile and use keywords that describe what you do. For example, if you're a writer, you can use words like "freelance writer," "blogger," or "copywriter" to describe your skills.

Companies and publications need a writer to search for keywords to find the right person. That's why it's important to use the right words in your profile. You can also include your city so that local companies can find you.

A well-written profile can help you get noticed by companies. They might even call you directly to offer you a job. So take the time to fill out your profile and make it stand out.

While groups on LinkedIn are popular, having a complete profile can be more helpful for finding freelance work. So make sure your profile is up-to-date and describes your skills accurately.

2. Always Check Who Viewed Your Linkedin Profile

Freelance Writers to Land Jobs on LinkedIn

Did you know that you can see who's been checking out your LinkedIn profile? It's true! Just click on the little sidebar widget, and you can find out more information.

Sometimes, if you don't have a premium membership, you might not be able to see everything. But if you really want to find new jobs, it might be worth it to upgrade for a month or two.

If you see someone who might be interested in hiring a freelance writer, you can send them a message. Tell them you noticed they looked at your profile and ask if they need any help. If you know a lot about their industry, you can mention that too.

A lot of people are surprised that you noticed they checked out your profile, and they might be interested in hiring you!

3. Track All Your Editor's Connection

Freelance Writers to Land Jobs on LinkedIn

If you used to work for a company as an employee or freelancer, you probably had a boss or manager. They were the ones who assigned you projects and gave you feedback. They might have even become your friend!

On LinkedIn, you can search for your old bosses and managers and connect with them. You can catch up with them and see what they're doing now. They might be working at a new company or even running their own business.

If they need a job, you could help them by sending job leads their way. Or if they have a job, they might need a freelancer like you to help them with a project.

It's always good to stay in touch with people you've worked with in the past. You never know when they might be able to help you out or when you might be able to help them out. By connecting with your old bosses on LinkedIn, you're keeping the door open for future opportunities.

4. Search Available Freelance Writing Job Opportunities

Freelance Writers to Land Jobs on LinkedIn

If you want to find writing jobs online, LinkedIn is a good place to look. Some job ads are only found on LinkedIn, and these companies are usually good ones.

I like to check out LinkedIn's full-time job ads. If a company is looking for a staff writer, it usually means they're in a crisis situation and need help.

My strategy is to apply to any company or publication I'm interested in and let them know I'm a happy freelancer. I'll say that I'm not looking for a full-time job, but I'd be a great fit for them. I'll show them my experience and ask if they also work with freelancers.

Reaching out to warm leads who have already viewed your profile is a great opportunity to inquire about their writing needs.

5. Using InMail to Find New Business Opportunities

Freelance Writers to Land Jobs on LinkedIn

Getting emails delivered can be tough these days. Sometimes they end up in the spam folder, and you never know if someone will see them. But there's something you can do to stand out! You can send an InMail!

Now, an InMail is like a message on LinkedIn that you can use to talk to people you want to connect with. But you have to be careful. You shouldn't send a really long message that sounds like spam. People might think you're being too pushy, and that's not good!

Instead, you can use InMail to say hello and see if someone wants to chat. And, if your message does end up in their spam folder, you can remind them to check it out!

When I connect with someone on LinkedIn,

I like to say hi and learn more about their business. Sometimes, I even ask if they need a writer and if they know anyone else who does!

Then, if they're interested, I send them some ideas that might help their business. I do this by email, and I make sure to let them know to keep an eye out for it!

It's important to be friendly and helpful when talking to people online. You never know. You might end up making some great new buddies!

When I talk to people on LinkedIn, I don't just try to sell them things right away. That can be annoying and get you in trouble!

Instead, I ask them if they know anyone who might need a writer. People like to help each other, and it feels good to refer someone!

And if they do need a writer, they'll tell you. That's even better than selling because you didn't even have to ask!

6. Pitching Your Writing Services Directly in LinkedIn Connection Invites

Freelance Writers to Land Jobs on LinkedIn

If you want to get hired as a writer, there's a bold strategy you can try on LinkedIn. Instead of just sending connection invites without saying why, you can directly pitch your writing services in the invite!

Here are some best examples of what you could write:

  • To a recruiter: "I noticed that you specialize in recruiting for the X industry, which is exactly where my skills lie. I have a strong background in X and X, and I'm currently seeking new opportunities in this field. Let's connect and discuss any open positions you have that may be a good fit for me!"
  • To an editor: "I really enjoyed your article about X! Are you looking for new pitches? I have an idea about Y that I think you'll like. We also have some mutual connections, so I thought it would be good to connect."
  • To a marketing manager: "I saw that your company is in X industry, which I write for. After looking at your website, I think you could use some help with X and X types of content. Let's connect and talk about how I can make that happen!"

This idea comes from Mandy Ellis, and some other writers have had success with it too. But it can be a little aggressive, so use your judgment!

7. Develop A Lead Magnet for Your 'Featured' section.

Freelance Writers to Land Jobs on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has a cool new feature called Featured. It lets you show off three of your best pieces of work on your profile. Freelance writers should take advantage of this, but most of them haven't yet!

You can use Featured to showcase an article that's specifically designed to attract your ideal client. It's called a bait piece, and it's a great way to get the attention of potential clients. Think about the industry you write for and who your dream client would be. Next, create an article that offers valuable insights to the marketing manager in question.

Your bait piece should help them with their marketing and make them think that outsourcing some of their content to a freelance writer could make their life easier. This will make you the first writer they think of when they need help.

Post your bait piece to LinkedIn and keep promoting it in your updates. This will create a marketing funnel that will bring you leads for years to come. And you don't have to keep writing new articles as long as the information is current.

Pick Your Approach To Market on LinkedIn.

It's time to take action! Try out some of these LinkedIn marketing strategies and see what works for you. You might be surprised by the results.

Many people don't believe they can get job offers just by checking their InMail, but it can happen! If you take LinkedIn seriously and spend some time marketing yourself on the platform, you can get plenty of writing jobs.

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